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Merveil Nzitusu


I am a student and for my graduation thesis,i would like to develop a (mobile) application for monitoring "breakage" in companies. For example, a manufacturing company with hundreds of different machines will have various technical problems. The application would allow with a smartphone to create a request to the appropriate team according to breakage that may affect someone to repair and have a follow-up of each step (Request, assignment, start of work, end of work, approval.)
The company then has statistics on the time to solve a problem. The application would take a photo of the break, scan a barcode on the machine to identify it and know its location, priority)

My problem is that I do not have any knowledge about these different steps, I would like to have much more information on how this is going in a real company


Check out MIMOSA standards and use cases for data exchanges monitoring machines for maintenance purposes and triggering maintenance orders with EAM systems. Also OAGIS and ISA95 standards for talking to MES and ERP systems for scheduling the maintenance time and updating production schedules. Scenarios like these are currently being documented in a paper coming out pretty soon from NIST.gov. It talks about how we can leverage and bridge across different standards domains to thread business processes digitally that used to be handled in silos.

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